Saturday, February 14, 2009

Golden Joy [ light in a candle's life ]

Golden joy emanates within,
like a dolphin's view for a child.

Who guards the candle and protects its shine?
When the candle itself looses its design.

For first the candle shone,for new was its life,
then the wind came,came then the rain adding to its pain.

Never did it expect its glory to be regained,
but then was waiting a hand for its gain,to bring a change...

Mysterious shadow full of light made the candle burn and shine,
outgrew the candle of its fear...
For HOPE sat to her very near

Sand and Sea

My footprints on SAND often the SEA removes,
Making me angry as i am forced to redo...
But then i it not a good move?
As everytime i learn the distance that i choose.